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Sabtu, 17 September 2011

English Task, Text Report

sumber : NOVA 1098/XXII | 9-15 MARET 2009

Definition/General Classification
Seasoning is an essential ingredient in food that has been used since the Middle Ages. Spices come from tropical plants that can not be found easily in the yard. There are the seeds of certain fruits, the membrane that encloses fresh fruits, flower buds, roots, bark, or berries
Description 1
They can be sweet like cinnamon, or spicy foods such as black pepper, ginger, and cloves. When cooking with spices, notice the smell and taste in order to determine the amount of seasoning needed for a dish.
Description 2
many a cook who tend to need all the spices and grind them immediately, then immediately put it into the dish. Spices that are milled from fresh ingredients are generally more robust flavor than it has been milled and stored in storage boxes sold in grocery stores.
Description 3
So many spices are so popular. Call it the cardamom, cinnamon, coriander, ginger, mace, dried chili pepper (red pepper, cayenne pepper, Tabasco, paprika), turmeric, curry, sesame, or vanilla. However, the thing to remember is these spices should be stored in a cool kitchen cabinet and not exposed to sunlight
Description 4
Long time ago, vanilla is used only as a flavor enhancer hot chocolate. But now, used in various recipes to enhance flavor.

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